Criminal Defense Attorney Columbus Ohio | Brandon Shroy

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How Much is A Local Criminal Defense Attorney - Ohio

Criminal Defense in Columbus Ohio is traditionally flat rate. Prices vary greatly depending on what charges you are facing - more serious charges will be more time consuming and will cost more money.

More experienced attorneys tend to know their results are better and will charge more. The years and decades of working in criminal courts is valuable. Expect the representation you want to start at “free” —which is what the Public Defender charges—and become more expensive as the lawyers skill and experience criminal increases.

The reality is I want to stay a busy criminal defense attorney but all firms must choose between “more cases” and “more time per case”—I can’t be everywhere. The high volume law firms who take the most clients will likely be much harder to get on the phone, prepare less for your case, and will give you “what you pay for” to defend you. Choose carefully with these ideas in mind.